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Wait...what is the quest?

Well, I've got this bucket list'm not dying, I just need something to do that is healthy and, I'm going to run 50 races, 1/2 marathons, to be precise. You guessed it... one in every state and I'm starting my race on my 51st birthday (well, I'm gonna be 51 anyway, might as well be doing something fun!). I've been training since 11/2012 after joining a "Survivor Series". Don't worry, I didn't know what it was either. I was doing a Turkey Trot in Lake Geneva, with my bff, Jenn, and a flier for the Survivor Series was stuffed in my wiper blade when we got back to the truck. It is a way to keep runners running in the winter, in short a 5K in December, a 10K in January, a 15K in February and a 20K in March. The whole series was $68 bucks. I ran the 5K and finished 2nd in my age group (AG) and won an award of $65 bucks, so I was going to be able to run those last three races for a buck a piece! Well, I went to the 10K and it was poorly marked and a few of us got lost, they didn't have many people directing and it was pretty much an afternoon run...apparently the organizers weren't really feeling it and the rest of the series got cancelled (bummer). On the day that I was supposed to run the 15K (February), I just ran from the barn where we keep our horses to home (10.16 miles). Done!

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