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Colorado is going to happen!!!

So...the Monday after the Mass race, I hopped online to sign up for the Thirsty Thirteen, 1/2 marathon in Durango, Co. was already full!!!! Yikes, what do I do now? Brian and I had been building an entire vacation around that race in August, not to mention the fact that the after party for the race is San Juan Brew fest!!! That's right, anyone who has ever gone to it knows that it is a fantastic time where 52 breweries come together in a city park in Durango, for a private, tickets only, adults only tasting party to beat all tasting parties. Brian and I love beer tasting parties, there is something for everyone and it gives you the opportunity to try things from categories of beer that you might not normally try, I tried a Goss once, not my favorite, but now I know what it is! I was crushed that I was out, but I did sign up for the waiting list (number 19 - YIKES!!!). After a couple of days of thinking about it, I got online again and started looking around the area for other races close enough to still hit the brew fest afterwards...nothin'. I have long wanted to show Brian the eastern planes of Colorado where my parent's were raised and where I spent so many of my summers, that was still in my plan, so I did find a race in New Mexico, 3 hours closer than Durango, but it was a race and we could still take that week and drive to Mo, to my parent's current farm, then drive on to Colorado to see the old farms in Kit Carson and then Drive on to Raton, NM for a race through a park...but I wasn't feeling it, so, I took a chance and emailed the organizer, explaining my situation. He responded, saying there was a good chance that I would get in and he would let me know after 06/15/2016!!! At 9am on 06/15/2016 I emailed him...nothing...I emailed him a second time on 06/17/2016 and left work for the weekend. It was a busy weekend, riding horses and painting the outside of the house and various other project...I don't usually check email on the weekends. It was my Dad's birthday on Saturday and Father's Day on Sunday so I talked to him both days and he is the greatest, in case you haven't met me and don't hear me say that about him all the time!!! My Mom is awesome too...yea, I won the birth lottery! So, Monday I checked email...nothing...I'm starting to get bummed now...Tuesday...Oh Hell Yeah!!! I am persistent and I received an email and a link and I am signed up. As a precautionary move I had already secured a hotel and a brew fest ticket for Brian (yes, it sold out too)! So, stay tuned, because in August, we are going to the new farm, the old farms, seeing Kit Carson, seeing Durango, sightseeing in Durango, racing in Durango and Brew festing in Durango!!! The quest continues in Colorado!!!

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