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Improving your health with Chiropractic Care:

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What Can Chiropractic Do For Me?

 "The doctor of the future will give no medicine but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet and in the cause and prevention of disease"    Thomas Edison


Chiropractic has long embraced the body as a whole.  Allignment is thought to be a key factor in overall health.  Embracing this, Dr. Joan Johnson works with the spine and extremities to attain proper allignment alleviating much pain in the process.  She is an endurance athlete, so many athletes can be found in her office working with her on protocols to help them perform better in their perspective sports.  She treats many injuries and maladies like below:

  • disc herniations

  • sciatica

  • headaches & neck pain

  • thoracic pain & rib pain

  • sacroiliac disorders

  • and many shoulder, wrist and ankle issues



Monday........................9:30am-12 & 2-6:30pm     

Tuesday....................... 9:30am-12 & 2-6:30pm

Wednesday.................. 9:30am-12 & 2-5pm

Thursday..................... 9:30am-12 & 2-6:30pm

Friday......................... 9:30am-11:30am

Antioch Family Chiropractic

960 Victoria Street

Antioch, Illinois 60002


847-838-0690 fax

email the doc:


Call for an appointment!!!

Available Treatments


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